Important information: Physical Education We will go swimming on Tuesday. Children should come to school with their swimming kit on under their uniform. Children will need to bring a bag with clean underwear and a towel in.
Wednesday is a PE day, children will need to come to school in their P.E kits on Wednesdays.
PE kit should consist of a navy or white t-shirt and navy shorts or navy/black tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Children will need trainers because we will be outside as much as possible.
Reading Books Children will bring home a reading books each Friday and these will need to be returned to school on the following Friday.
Please try to listen to your child reading for at least 5-10 minutes each day.
Sharing a book at bedtime or reading a story to your child will help them develop a love for reading!
Spellings Spelling Tests take place on Fridays and new spellings will be given out on the same day. Words will be given to your child which they can stick in to their spelling book at home. Please make sure that your child looks after their book and that you check it regularly. Thank you.
Homework Please practise times tables with your children so that they can learn them by reciting them and know them by heart. Children need to know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Spring 1 homework topic menu
Year 4's Spring 1 text map
Please practice spellings every week. Children will have a spelling test every Friday and will have new spellings to practice every week.