Key Information  »  Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding 2024 - 25

In 2024-25 school receives £125,170 which we are using to raise the achievement of pupil premium children through:

  • Direct teaching support – teaching assistants in every class to support interventions during the school day.
  • Removing barriers to learning - Pastoral staff working to support families and those families with children who are persistently absent.
  • Providing more extra-curricular opportunities for pupils, including sports, music, trips and residentials.
  • Outreach from the AIP and funded AIP places
  • Additional needs support is provided by a child psychotherapist - from Impact North (funded by school) and followed up with work from the school behaviour support team.

Pupil Premium Grant Funding, and the impact of it, is reviewed by the governing body annually. Please find strategy and review documents below. The funding is also reviewed in school by the School Leadership Team on a half termly basis.